Thursday, 2 April 2015

Hack @ EF, TALKIEN.IO is born

Hack @ EF, TALKIEN.IO is born

Recently I had an opportunity to participate on a hackathon organized by Enterpreneur First. I really want to thank the guys at EF for the opportunity and great weekend! For those who don't know, EF is an investor who invests in talents, entrepreneurs. I really recommend everybody who is into startup world applying for their next cohort. 

It was also a great weekend because I met Miika, Pyry and Pavel. We formed a team to create something cool in 24 hours. It was a huge fun and an honour to work with these guys!

Pavel, me, Miika, Pyry @ EF

We created a browser based application which listens to you while you speak and shows relevant pictures and information instantly.

As we really enjoyed working with each other, we continued the work and published it, so here is TALKIEN.IO

We are still searching for a good use case, so any feedback is appreciated! :)

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Creating a graph of software technologies with Docker, Neo4j, NodeJS and D3.js Part 2

The plan

In the previous part we created a running Neo4j instance inside a Docker container.
Now we can create a middleware which will call the database's REST API, on the bottom of it's layer and expose an API to the client on the top of it's layer. As we did with the database instance, we will put the Node(s) into containers as well.

Ok, so let's create a Docker image for Node first.

The Node image

The good news is that there is an official Node image on Docker Hub. (Be aware, that does not mean we are super secure, it just means that this image should work properly). Let's check it's Dockerfile.
What we can see is that NPM is installed, so we can manage Node packages easily. Also if we run this image, the Node interpreter will be executed and will be waiting for input.
We are able to create our own image with a running Node + the packages we need.

We could put lots of "RUN npm install [package]" commands inside a Dockerfile, but instead of doing that, we will create package.json file and run "npm install" on it. It will be an external resource. If we run npm install, a node_modules directory will be created. It could be in a separate Docker image, and we could build a new image whenever we change the package.json, but I don't think it makes it too robust by putting the Node instance and the packages together into the same Docker image.

Ok let's do it.
Create the package.json file first.
I am using Express.js as a middleware to help me with the routing and HTTP requests, responses. There are loads of other middlewares to try out, but Express suits perfectly for now. So we will put Express into our package.json as a dependency.
I am also using the request Node module to make POST requests to our Neo4j instance.

Ok, now an app.js file.
I'll leave it empty for now.

Now next to the package.json let's create the Dockerfile.
So while building an image from this Dockerfile, a package.json and an app.js file will be added, and npm install will be called. It will create a node_modules directory and download into it the needed packages.

So, let's build it!
You can see it from the log that it downloaded what we need. Coolio!

The code

Now let's create a simple application which will handle adding a new technology, adding a new connection between two technologies and getting the adjacent technologies of a particular tech. Later we can add some logic for setting weights for connections to visualize how strong the connection is, and we can add weights to the techs as well to show how popular they are.

These are the API endpoints




Let's open our app.js empty file and add our code.
The code is simple. Of course we would like to put the API endpoints, the function's and the configuration into separate files (modules) later, but in this stage we want to have simple solutions.

Ok. Now we need to rebuild our Docker image.

And run our web application. (Don't forget to stop-remove the old container.)

Notice that we are using --link neo4j:db. This creates some environment variables for us that we can use in our webapp for networking purpose.

Just because we are curious let's check these variables in our running webapp container.
Cool! We see that now we don't have to care what is the exact IP address of our Neo4j container. Docker will handle this for us, we just need to use the env variable.

Now we can create some technology nodes with curl or alternative tool for doing HTTP requests. I will execute these requests just to try it out:
  1. POST:
  2. POST:
  3. POST:
  4. GET:
The last query returns  this JSON:

In the next part we will add the client code and actually draw our graph.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Meetups: Selling to schools

 Selling to schools
Jan 2015

I wanted to learn about how to approach a school with a product (software application).

The key things I learned and did not forget :) :

  • teachers, schools live their own life, so don't expect they will find always time doing online chats with you, probably you will have to travel
  • getting 10-100 schools on board is not easy at all but manageable, above 100 it is extremely hard
  • the UX has to be perfect, don't try to save energy on it
  • the online marketing through e-mails is still (40 times) more accurate then using social networks
  • schedule e-mails in early mornings between Tue-Thu
  • use celebs, famous people to do tweets for you
  • ask the teachers for feedback, quotes, they won't give you without asking
  • involve the users ASAP after you have something working and STABLE
  • be patient and kind!

Anyone who is interested more check out this meetup, and the presenters. They are doing this professionally, really recommended.

Check out the meetup here.

Thanks to the organizers!

Meetups: Docker London

 Docker London
Jan 2015

I've never been on a Docker meetup, so I was curious and so were lots of others. 
The organizers created a good event. The order of the presentations was perfect. I wish all the meetup organizers would think about how to max out the opportunity in presentations by finding a balance. (So people won't be bored, but won't start loosing attention because of too many details.)

The order was good because Andrew's presentation was a good intro and sum how can Docker fit into  a continuous delivery pipeline and how it is done in their company. Then Johan's presentation was more a demo about GCloud tool  (+ Kubernetes) and the Google Cloud platform which I think was good for those who already knew about tools around Docker, but did not try out Kubernetes. 
In the end Dan Williams's talk about his trip to found out how container ships work in real life was really great, and was really needed for the end of the day to chill out.

All of these talks were about things already done, and existing. I really missed talks about new ideas or possible security issues like the issues with Docker pull, but that is maybe more for a conference talk.
Check the meetup and the agenda here:

And thanks to the organizers for creating the event! I really recommend it!